Renewal Story: David

Posted: April 18, 2016

For most of us, following in our siblings’ footsteps means high school graduation, maybe college, getting married, raising families. But David’s brother John modeled a road that ended in drug abuse, domestic violence and jail.

While David was in jail, he realized that he needed to make some major changes in his life. “I was tired of going back out and doing the same thing and expecting different results,” he says. “I needed somewhere to build a foundation.”

Surprisingly, it was his older brother John who prayed for David to find exactly what he needed to build that foundation: UGM-TC. Johnnie successfully completed our program and now lives a stable, productive life, with a good job and a loving wife. “John motivated me and inspired me,” says David. “We were on the same path, and God allowed me to see what He could do through other people.”

David now has the skills and determination to turn his back on the temptations that brought him so low. Most importantly, he also has God. “Every day brings new challenges. But I truly believe that as long as I stay on this path, and as long as I trust Him and do my part, everything will work out.”

Strengthened by the prayers and support of friends like you, David is definitely doing his part. He has a new job and plans to return to school and earn his degree. “I come from a family with a lot of college grads,” he says. He also hopes to be a good example to his sons, who, like him, have been in and out of jail.

“God opened a door and I was blessed to come here,” says David. “This is a great place if you’re looking for change. I look at life differently now. It’s about helping, respect and love. I’ve given my life to the Lord, and He hasn’t let me down!”

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