Provide Easter meals and hope – just $2.23 per meal!

Posted: March 6, 2018

When someone comes to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County for a hot meal and a place to rest, you can see right away that what they really need is hope. 

Losing a job and a home knocks people down, but losing hope keeps them there.

 Restoring hope is often easier than you might think. In fact, it can start with a simple meal that costs just $2.23 to prepare and serve.           

This Easter season we’ll serve more than 61,000 meals to our hungry and hurting neighbors in North Texas... but we need your help. 

Your online gift of any size will not only provide meals, but will help people in need to grasp the hope of Christ and pick themselves up!

Your support helps to restore hope all year long, but there’s just something special about Easter. I’ve known program graduates who came to us at this time of year and now celebrate this holiday almost as a second birthday! 

Free of addiction, reconciled with family and with God, residents leave UGM-TC filled with hope and ready to build new lives in Christ... all thanks to you.

God bless you for caring! Donate now.

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