Graduate Updates: Six Inspiring Stories

Posted: August 14, 2024

The Impact You Make

When you support Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County, you do more than provide food and a safe place to sleep. You plant seeds of change in the good soil of residents’ hearts.

Here you can see a group of men who came from UGM-TC and are now living in the New Life Center at Cornerstone, a program that enables men who have faced homelessness to focus on education and meeting their long-term career goals. God is doing great things with these men. Thank you for helping them prepare for success!




I was homeless for many years, living in my car, or hotels when I could afford it. I was broke and broken until I received a lifeline from UGM-TC. I was offered housing, which gave me the stability and confidence to go back to school.

Today, I have my bachelor’s degree and have worked with people experiencing mental health crises and housing instability. Soon, I’ll also have my master’s, and I’ll be able to pay forward the blessings I received while I was at UGM-TC in an even deeper way.

Thank you for your support. You gave me a hand up and a second chance at a new life.



God brought me to UGM-TC, and I am so thankful for His guidance. After being homeless, I was discouraged, with no hope for my life. The Alpha sessions inspired me to get back in touch with God and go back to school.

My case manager connected me with Tarrant County College’s Visions Program. Now, I am finishing up my bachelor’s degree and starting my master’s in cybersecurity, continuing for my doctorate. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Thank you for supporting UGM-TC; your money was well spent. I am evidence of that. Without your help, I would be lost.



I had everything and lost it all. Money, family and a job slipped away as I continued to drink. I finally gave up all hope and said one last prayer ... for the Lord to take me or save me.

He chose to save me by bringing me to UGM-TC. While I was in the Alpha program, I learned how to follow God’s plan. Jesus showed me He was always there for me, but it was time for Him to take control of my life. Now, I rekindled my relationship with my family and am working on a BS in psychology with a minor in religion.

When you support UGM-TC, you never know what seed you are planting in someone. You helped me gain peace, and you cannot put a price tag on that!




After being injured in a hit-and- run, I was left unable to work.  When I came to UGM-TC, I realized this was part of God’s plan for me and the whole experience would be very valuable going forward.

The staff, mentors and case workers all helped me continue my education, and their faith inspired me to strengthen my faith in God. Today, I am taking college courses, pursuing education in the field of graphic design.

Thank you for providing a place for me to grow. I appreciate your compassionate heart.



I wanted to change my life, but I needed help. UGM-TC gave me structure and so much more than just a place to live. The staff provided the resources for my GED and to start college. They also gave me emotional and spiritual support when I was at my lowest.

Throughout my time at UGM-TC, I felt God influencing me to start a new life. Today, I am mending relationships with my children and finishing college.

Thank you for supporting me; I am thankful for all of you!



I worked on a fishing boat in Alaska until I broke my fingers and was unable to work. I came back to Fort Worth, but I had no income and was homeless. UGM-TC took me in while I was going through surgeries and recovery.

UGM-TC introduced me to the Alpha program, which helped me recover from my drinking addiction. During this process, I felt God giving me peace and lifting my depression. Today, I am looking to the future and studying cybersecurity.

Thank you for caring. Many people do not want to help or hear your story, but the kindness shown at UGM-TC is overwhelming!

If you would like to help pave the road for more transformation stories like the ones above, visit Thank you for making testimonies like these possible at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County!


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